Frequently Asked Questions

Find some HELPFUL INFORMATION about Sigmondo

If you have further questions, please don’t hesitate to use our contact form.

Twitter API changes and the impact on the SIGMONDO App

Twitter API Changes The tech industry has been buzzing since Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter, which has brought several changes, some more visible than others. One of these changes, unfortunately,…

TYPING TEXT is no fun!

Yes, we know. And we tried to find ways to make it easier: use Siri to dictate your text use an external bluetooth keyboard use the Remote on your iPhone…

WEATHER (and city) are missing

Sigmondo uses your location to get weather info Sigmondo uses your current location to display weather information. The app gets your location by using the built-in location services of Apple…

Weather provider has changed

We want to inform you that our long term weather data provider, Dark Sky, will be shutting down at the end of March 2023. However, we have released an update…

Can I use AirPlay?

Sorry: no. Since the introduction of AirPlay 2 Apple decided to have audio sources with different priorities. This means that a source streaming via AirPlay has to be seen as…

Can I use Sigmondo on MULTIPLE APPLE TVS?

Sigmondo is made as an entry level signage solution for a reasonable price. We try to keep the app simple and affordable. Therefore in Sigmondo you can use only two…

Does Sigmondo PLAY MUSIC?

Sigmondo plays the sound from videos that are inside your media area – if you want so. There is also an option to disable audio output altogether. With sound in…

How do I PAY for the app?

Download the app for free from the App Store on your Apple TV. You can then use the demo content to test the basic features of Sigmondo. To use your…

How to SORT pictures and video in the Main Area?

To change the order of videos and pictures in the Main Area of Sigmondo best rename them in your Dropbox or OneDrive folder. Sigmondo plays them in alphabetical order. The…

I am trying to use the LIVE STREAMING feature, but…

Sigmondo technically supports video streams in the following formats: HTTP Live Streaming (HLS), best recognized by the file extension “m3u8”, YouTube live streams or RTSP and other VLC-compatible streaming formats.…

Got any further questions?

If you’re experiencing any issues with Sigmondo please feel free to contact us via our support form.


Watch our video tutorials to gain more insights on how to use the various features of Sigmondo.


Watch how to start using Sigmondo


Bring in text from different sources


Use the different time options.


Change the look by choosing layouts

Sigmondo Settings Audio


How to apply Audio


Show the date in your language