
Our latest APP UPDATES

Here you can find our version history and any changes we made to Sigmondo over time.

Version 4.6.0

  • Fixed weather formatting in tvOS 17.x.

Version 4.5.3

Version 4.5.2

We’ve fixed an issue that caused temperatures not to be displayed correctly in Fahrenheit.

Version 4.5.1

We’ve fixed an issue that caused the app to lose active subscriptions after a relaunch.

Version 4.5

  • We switched to using Apple Weather as our main data provider for the weather widgets.
  • We use now StoreKit 2 to handle in-app purchases.
  • Under the hood we also did some code housekeeping to keep things running smoothly.

Version 4.4

  • We fixed an issue with YouTube live streaming so that you can play your live streams from YouTube again.
  • We detect when a HDMI cable is pulled and plugged in again to restart the player.
    This issue caused videos to be paused by default and is now a thing of the past.
  • Under the hood we also did some code housekeeping to keep things smooth in the future.

Version 4.3.2

This update fixes an issue that caused loosing the connection to Dropbox after some hours.

Version 4.3.1

We fixed some login issues with Dropbox and OneDrive.

Version 4.3

Use your calendar! Sigmondo can now show upcoming events from your Apple or Google calendar or any other compatible iCal URL you provide.

We also made some under the hood improvements to the Dropbox and OneDrive login in order to keep up with changes in their APIs.

And finally we improved launching Sigmondo in single app mode. When booting the app will now await a working network connection to ensure we can fetch your media from the cloud as soon as it’s ready.

Version 4.2.1

We fixed some bugs in our latest major release:

  • We optimised the way we fetch your tweets from Twitter and added a local cache so that Tweets will still be shown when there is no internet connection available (requires tweets to have been fetched successfully at least once before loss of connectivity)
  • We fixed an issue that caused not all of our default folders to be created properly in OneDrive
  • We fixed an issue that prevented the upper widget to be configured correctly in the Schedule playlist